Tuesday 13 November 2012


I came to TO to be taken over by flamenco and I can say it's almost 100%!! Three dance classes, 1 singing class for sure each week and another 2 opportunities to sing depending on work and then, as much as possible, I am practicing lyrics and choreography and listening to FlamencoBeat Radio out of Vancouver!!!  I added two dance classes since September (thanks, Loblaws!) and they are kicking me in the butt, literally, forgot how much dancing for two hours makes your hamstrings scream and burn.

I am concentrating in dance on bulerias and tangos.  For examples, google either of those palos (styles) on you tube either for baile or cante and you will see a gazilliono (that's Spanish, just add o, right Grant???) Not so specialized por cante, learning all kinds of palos.

In October, I studied cante for a week with Gema Caballero during the Toronto Flamenco Festival.  Ooops, I posted a you tube clip of Gema singing, gorgeous voice, that posted separately!!  We were learning siguriyas (one of the many possible spellings).  It is one of the hardest styles to understand the rhythm and how the words flow in and out of the rhythm.  It has taken me years to comprehend the palmas (clapping) for this palo.  I learned a lot and feel way more comfortable supporting a dancer or singer with palmas now.  Not sure I am ready to take on singing for a dancer!!  Baby steps....

Enjoy Gema!!

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